Organization Name: Lakapi Samoa (formerly Samoa Rugby Union)

Overview: Lakapi Samoa is a national sports organization committed to lead and encourage rugby in Samoa.
The Western Samoa Rugby Football Union was established in 1924 and joined the World Rugby (formerly the International Rugby Football Board) in 1988. When the name of the country changed from Western Samoa to Samoa in 1997, the union changed its name to the Samoa Rugby Union, and later to Lakapi Samoa in November 2020.
◇Mission: "To inspire excellence and leadership through rugby"
◇Mission: "To create rugby opportunities that will ignite passion and prosperity for all Samoans"
◇Values: Leadership, integrity, respect, spirituality, culture, passion, discipline and solidarity
Activities: Lakapi Samoa is one of the largest sports organisations and responsible for the development and support of rugby players in Samoa.
They are committed to ensuring that the national sport is effectively and smoothly operated, specially during national and international tournaments.
Grants from the Yazaki Kizuna Foundation:
1) Grants to Lakapi Samoa's newly launched "High Performance Unit (HPU)", which aims to develop Samoa boys and girls into semi-professional and professional rugby players. The Unit consists of 15 elite players, 30 emerging players and 30 developing players (under 20 years old).
2) Grants to purchase vehicles for the HPU.